
The following requirements must be met on the server installation:

  • PHP version 5.2 or above
  • MySQL libraries for PHP
  • one MySQL database (as Kimai supports table prefixes, this database may be shared with other tools)
  • FTP or shell access to set the correct filesystem permissions.

Extract the Kimai release zip/tarball into a server directory accessible from the outside and navigate to this location using a modern Webbrowser. A step-by-step installation program is included with every new release of Kimai. Follow the instructions of the installer and correct missing or incorrect permissions using your FTP or shell account. If the step-by-step installer does not work, please report this error using the support forum.

Remove the “install” directory after the installation!

After you removed the “install” directory you may login into Kimai using the following credentials:

  • user: admin
  • password: changeme

Set the administrator password using the setting dialog. Keeping “changeme” as your password is a security hole!